
Nudo Pos
High Speed with 'Wifi Shield' technology

Have one of the fastest epos systems at your fingertips to help increase productivity and sales. Never worry about wifi issues again with our built in 'wifi Shield' at the touch of a button.

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Take Orders in under 5s

By using Nudo Pos, specifically designed for speed you can take orders in under 5seconds.

Sell online and off

Scan products, tickets, loyalty cards and coupons using the Nudo Pos.

Fully integrated payments solutions

No need to manually key-in amounts at the point of sale

Get up and running in a snap

Simply plug in the power and turn on to add a new terminal.

Integrate with your current hardware

No need to change your current setup - integrate with existing cash drawer, printer and card machine.

Realtime Dynamic Promotions

You can offer Realtime dynamic promotions based on Realtime data at your venue.

Manage sales, stock & staff with our EPOS software

Nudo Pos is an ideal solution for any retail business looking to streamline their checkout process. It boasts lightning fast processing speeds and is easy to set up and configure, making it a convenient and efficient solution. With its built-in WiFi shield, the system can easily continue to function without a wireless network, allowing for seamless transactions and real-time updates.

Additionally, its integrated card readers provide added convenience for staff, meaning they don't have to manually input numbers into the card readers. The system is highly configurable, allowing businesses to customize it to their specific needs, ensuring an efficient and user-friendly checkout experience for both staff and customers.

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Nudo Designs Ltd

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